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Picking up stitches - selvedge stitches


The sts are picked up from the WS.

Go through the first selvedge st.


Yarn over and pull the yarn through the selvedge st = 1 st.


There are small spaces between the selvedge sts.

Go through that next space.


Yarn over and pull the yarn through the space = 1 st.


Repeat in this order:

[pick up 1 st from selvedge st, pick up 1 st from gap, pick up 1 st from selvedge st, skip 1 gap].


When you reach the back neckline portion, pick up sts as you did for the front neckline - i.e. [pick up 2 sts from cast on sts, pick up 1 st from gap].

When you reach the selvedge sts again, switch back to this method.

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