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Knitting through the back loop

Go through the back loop of the knit stitch.

Finish knitting the stitch.

The knit stitch is now worked through the back loop and visibly twisted.

Go through the back loop of the purl stitch from back to front.

Finish purling the stitch.

The purl stitch is now worked through the back loop.
Purling through the back loop
Knitting & Purling Through the Back Loop
When you work stitches through the back loop, you go into the stitch in a different way than you normally would for knit and purl stitches. This twists the stitch on your needle, which is why it has a firmer hold after you worked it. For this reason, the technique is well suited for rib patterns.
I'll explain below how to knit and purl stitches through the back loop.
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